Friday, August 19, 2011

Pencil Tip Micro-Sculpting

Patience is a virtue...that I do not possess. I guess Dalton Ghetti got my serving. It's the only explanation I can think of for my inability to catch a fish, and Dalton's unbelievable micro-sculpting in the tips of pencil lead. Plenty of artists use pencils to make art, but I've never seen anyone do it like this. Hit the jump to see more examples of his work. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Only in a Jeep

I'm one of those people that loves my car so much I believe it has feelings, a face, a voice... a smile, even! This is a stop motion film of a day in the life of me and my baby.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Life of a Pelican

I don't know if I would like my life to be only sitting on posts all day, searching the ocean for fish. But then again, maybe I would, if I didn't know anything else. Is that a hard life or an easy life?